23 Mar ESTELA to join Solarex İstanbul 2023
Within SolarEx Istanbul 2023, Turkey’s first and only solar energy-themed expo, our colleagues from ODTU-GUNAM and METU are organizing a mini-conference targeting market opportunities for CST with a focus on Solar Heat for Industrial Processes (SHIP) to decarbonize industry.
We are pleased to announce that Bérénice Crabs, the Secretary General of ESTELA, will be one of two invited speakers to talk about the European perspective on emerging market opportunities for CST to decarbonise industrial processes and participate in the respective roundtable discussion. Furthermore, this mini-conference will also serve as kick-off Turkish key stakeholder event for our flagship project CST4ALL.
The conference will take place on 7 April 2023, at Gold Conference Room, Istanbul Expo Center, Istanbul from 09.30 CET.