ESTELA is a partner in the following EU-funded projects:
SFERA-III – Solar Facilities for the European Research Area 3

The SFERA-III project addresses advanced science challenges and integrated research activities in the field of Concentrating Solar Thermal (CST) by integrating key European research infrastructures into an ambitious wide project aiming at offering to the R&D community a new level of high-quality services.
In this context, the main European research institution operating a unique set of Research Infrastructures (RIs) in CST are coordinating efforts to promote innovative researches, to improve services offered by concentrating solar RIs and to train researchers and engineers on the CST technologies. Both academia and industry users are targeted. These RIs will be open to all European researchers as part of the transnational access activities, from both academia and industry, and attention will be paid to ensure their optimal use and joint development avoiding duplication of the services offered.
A series of networking activities has been set up to reinforce and extend the partnership of the RIs participating in the proposal, including outreach and educational activities for new European researchers; activities to accelerate the transfer of knowledge between the participants, e.g. organisation of doctoral colloquia and the winter/summer schools, workshops and exchange of scientific personnel, etc…
In addition, the joint research activities (JRAs) are planned to increase the research capacities and services of the RIs and to improve the existing ones, in such a way that the researches can be extended in number and in quality. This improved infrastructures and services will surely attract an increased number of new users, thus contributing to the overall goals of this SFERA-III project.
Project Website:
Project Duration: 60 Months (Jan 2019 – Dec 23)
SOLARSCO2OL: SOLAR based sCO2 Operating Low-cost plants

SOLARSCO2OL, a new H2020-funded project, will look into development and demonstration of critical components for facilitating the near-term deployment of cost-effective hybrid PV-CSP plants using supercritical CO
2 cycles. Over the next 48 months, the project will work towards the demonstration of a first-of-kind MW scale sCO
2 cycle operating from molten salts in an existing CSP plant, for which a new MW-scale molten salt electric heater will also be developed.
The 15-partner consortium is led by RINA Consulting and KTH, with participation from ESTELA, 3 other research centres (UNIGE, Ikerlan and CERTH), and 9 prominent industries from the CSP and turbomachinery sectors (Abengoa, Magtel, Masen, SEICO, Lointek, MAS Europe, Baker Hughes, Franco Tosi Meccanica, and OCMI OTG).
Stay tuned about the development of this project!
Project Website:
Project Duration: 48 Months (Oct 2020 – Sept 24)
ESTELA is the coordinator of following EU-funded project:
CST4ALL: Support to the activities of the concentrated solar thermal technology area of the SET PLAN
CST4ALL, our flagship Horizon Europe-funded project aims to catalyse an array of hybridization and cooperation initiatives at the interface between Concentrating Solar Thermal (CST) and other renewable energy technologies targeting the electricity, heat, and fuels sectors, facing the hurdle of the assumed level of costs of Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) plants and too strong a focus on CSP as only a flexibility provider for electricity systems.
The core outcome from CST4ALL is an intertwined set of workshops targeting both the industrial and Research and Innovation (R&I) communities. These workshops aim primarily at supporting and enlarging the network of active stakeholders in the CST Implementation Working Group in the SET Plan and to raise the general awareness about the role CST can play in a future sustainable energy mix.
The expected outcome of the project is specific proposals at EU-level from a cross-sector perspective to foster public/private funding for R&I and to create the necessary political/regulatory framework conditions for the execution of the new CSP Implementation Plan.
The 5-partner consortium is led by ESTELA, with participation of 4 research centres CIEMAT, ENEA, DLR, ODTU-GUNAM.
Stay tuned about the development of this project!
Project Website:
Project Duration: 36 Months (Oct 2023 – Sept 26)