Company Description
CMI Solar designs receivers for high power thermo-solar electric power stations (Solar Thermal Electricity, STE). CMI Solar has patented a superheater and superheated panels, both of original conception, granted and jointly held by CMI and Abengoa Solar. It is also specialized in the design of molten salt solar receivers capable of storing energy, which helps produce electricity 24/7.
CMI thermo-solar receivers are suited to ‘solar tower’ technology which works by reheating a fluid contained in a boiler installed at the top of a tower and onto which the sun’s rays are concentrated.
With the strength of its references, such as the Khi Solar One thermo-solar electric power plant (50 MWe) at Upington, South Africa and molten salts solar receivers in construction for the power plants of Atacama I, II and III (Chile), CMI Solar has the ambition to extend its range of innovative products.
Located at Seraing (Liège, Belgium), CMI Solar calls on the know-how of the CMI Group, a specialist in steam generation for almost 200 years. Its historic founder, John Cockerill, conceived in fact his first industrial steam boiler in 1818.