01 Aug SAVE THE DATE: HORIZON-STE EU Cooperation & Closing Even
ESTELA and HOROZON-STE partners are delighted to invite you to the EU Cooperation & Closing Event, which will take place at Hotel HILTON Brussels Grand Place (and via Webex), on 14 September 2022 from 09.50 till 16.30. The purpose of this event is to:
- Briefly present the main findings and recommendations of our project from both the R&I and the industry perspective; and
- Have panel discussions about the potential developments around concentrated solar – having in mind the current energy policy situation in Europe that has dramatically changed after the COVID period and was amplified by the invasion of Ukraine and could not be yet anticipated/covered during the project.
Three panel discussions will be held looking at the present and future of CSP/CST from a different angle:
- The policy perspective, with focus on CSP’s role in reducing EU’s dependency on Russian gas;
- The industrial perspective, with focus on national interests for potential uses of CSP/CST; and
- The R&I perspective, with emphasis on collaboration at EU and global level.
Below you can find draft programme & information about the speakers and more. For your registration to the event, please follow the link.
09.30 | Welcome Coffee |
09.50 | Opening address by J.L. Martinez Dalmau, ESTELA President |
10.00 | Project HORIZON-STE: Project objectives & main lessons learnt (Marcel Bial, Secretary General ESTELA) |
10.15 | Findings from R&I perspective in countries of focus Presenters: Julian Blanco/Eduardo Zarza (CIEMAT), Peter Heller (DLR), Simona De Iuliis (ENEA), Derek Baker/Yelda Erden Topal (METU) |
10.45 | Findings from industry perspective in countries of focus Presenter: Marcel Bial (ESTELA) |
11.15 | Coffee Break |
11.30 | Integrated findings and recommendations Presenter: Marcel Bial (ESTELA) |
12.00 | Q&A |
12.15 | Institutional framework Panellists: DG ENER*, Cristina Trueba (IWG CSP), Piero de Bonis (DG RTD), João Bernardo (DGEG, Portugal)* and Pablo Ralon (IRENA) Moderator: Marcel Bial (ESTELA) |
13.15 | Lunch break |
14.15 | R&I perspective Panellists: Julian Blanco (CIEMAT-PSA), Simona de Iuliis (ENEA), Eduardo Zarza (CIEMAT-PSA), Peter Heller (DLR), Derek Baker (METU) and EERA JP CSP* Moderator: Mark Schmitz (Flagsol Engineering GmbH) |
15.15 | Industry perspective Panellists: Gonzalo Martin Barrera (Protermosolar), Mark Schmitz (Flagsol Enginering GmbH), Jeroen Van Schijndel (Rioglass), Lorraine Devouton (ENGIE), José Alfonso Nebrera (ACS Industria) and Pedro Cabanillas (John Cockerill Group) Moderator: Bérénice Crabs (ESTELA) |
16.15 | Conclusions |
* attendance to be confirmed