19 Nov Agenex coordinates a European network to certify workers solar thermal plants
The European Commission has approved the proposal submitted by Agenex to create a European Operator Certification for Solar Fields.
During the years 2016-2018, Agenex will coordinate 16 national and international institutions for the creation of a European platform for training and certification of solar field operators.
The network will have a wide business participation through the European Solar Thermal Association (ESTELA) and National Thermal Power Associations of Spain (Protermosolar), Italy (ANEST) and Greece (EBHE).
The certification system aims at capitalizing on the knowledge of solar field operators, increasing its academic recognition and securing an international recognition for it, which will facilitate labor mobility in a highly dynamic market such as that of solar thermal power plants.
To ensure the recognition of such training, the project has both public and private certifiers, such as the European Association for Qualification and Certification (ECQA), the National Association of Certified Greece (EOPPEP) and regional governments of Extremadura and Sardinia.
To carry out this certification Agenex has received from the European Commission, through the Executive Agency for Education and Culture (EACEA), a budget of € 800,000 financed by the “Sectoral Partnerships Knowledge” program.