First agreement on SET-Plan Actions 1 & 2 – Being n°1 in renewables

First agreement on SET-Plan Actions 1 & 2 – Being n°1 in renewables

The first agreements on strategic targets and priorities in Actions 1 and 2 of the Integrated SET-Plan dedicated to Europe “Being n°1 in renewables” have been endorsed by the SET Plan Steering Group and relevant stakeholders. These “Declarations of intent” represent the first step to implement the 10 actions of the SET-Plan.  All relevant, research and industry stakeholders from public and private sector in cooperation with EU Member States and countries part of the SET Plan, agreed to put forward highly ambitious targets in an endeavour to maintain global leadership in photovoltaic, solar thermal electricity and offshore wind technologies and share their best efforts and practices in a coordinated way to jointly address all relevant issues in order to attain the agreed targets. The identification of targets and priorities for all the other low-carbon technologies, seeking for relevant agreements, will be made within the next months, following a similar process.

More information here.

SET-Plan – Declaration on Strategic Targets in the context of an Initiative for Global Leadership in Solar Thermal Electricity (CSP/STE): View Declaration