10 Nov Introducing ESTELA’s Brand New Logo and Website
Brussels, 10 November 2015. ESTELA, the European Solar Thermal Electricity Association, launched a refresh of its image, unveiling a new logo and a new website design today.
ESTELA, the European industry association of solar thermal electricity (STE), today launched a refresh of its image, unveiling a new logo and a new website. For nearly 8 years, ESTELA has been supporting the emerging solar thermal electricity industry for the generation of green power in Europe and abroad, mainly in the Mediterranean region. From its office near the EU institution area in Brussels, ESTELA works closely with the European and other international institutions in the fields of sustainable energy, climate change, environment, research and economic growth based on innovation. ESTELA also acts as a bridge between the STE industry and policy makers.
ESTELA is recognised as the voice of the whole STE industry from manufacturers to developers, from research institutions to utilities.
ESTELA’s new logo represents the basic concept of the solar thermal electricity (STE) technology, also known as concentrating solar power (CSP): how solar energy is concentrated at a focus point producing heat to be converted into electricity on demand. What’s more, the idea of reflection is also shown on its logo as the use of mirrors is the common component among all STE technologies.
In conjunction with the launch of its new logo, ESTELA has introduced a fresh website presenting the key policy messages about the full value of solar thermal electricity. Check out our new website www.estelasolar.org!
We hope that you will find the information useful and keep up your interest for our technology.
Read Press Release here
For more information please contact:
Janis Leung, Communication Manager of ESTELA
Phone: +32 28 93 25 96
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.estelasolar.org