EU Projects

Around 10 M€ financed by the EU Commission to unlock the potential of integrating sCO2 in all kinds of CSP plants On the 1st of October, the SOLARSCO2OL project officially started and the kick-off meeting was organised on the 7th October 2020 in Stockholm. Boasting an...

HORIZON-STE project is launching a video campaign to raise awareness of the wide potential of the Solar Thermal Electricity (STE) with its outstanding long-term thermal storage assets. Decarbonising energy systems is a major challenge in the fight against climate change. Depending on their unique circumstances and...

With SFERA-III, benefit from free access to top research infrastructures in Concentrated Solar Thermal power across Europe! The 2nd SFERA-III access campaign was open on 12 November 2019. This call for projects provides free access to 13 state-of-art research infrastructures and 47 installations in Concentrated Solar Thermal power in 8 countries: Cyprus (Cyprus Institute) France...